adMAD.Mobi is a new website launched few weeks and this website pays you for receiving sms on your mobile . adMad is a mobile advertising company which provides mobile ads publishing facilities to advertisers and than they send all their ads to their registered users mobiles . They also pay us for reading SMS ads on your mobile. You can register here for personal account JOIN adMAD .

How to make money :- adMAD has a great deep referral system which pays you 4 times deep like we get 20 paise for each SMS you receive and than we get 15 paise for each SMS our friends receives . Than chain continue and we get 10 paise for each SMS their friends receive than 5 paise for each SMS their friends receive and in last we also get 1 paisa for each SMS their friends receives .

Increase earning : - You can try adMAD calculator to calculate good earnings like i did . If we refer 10 friends and they can refer 5 friends each and than in forward others can refer 3 friends each and than in last their friend can refer 2 friends each and everyone receives 20 sms per day than our monthly earning will be Rs 10320.00 . This is not very hard task if you can visit any college or education institute , you can get atleast 20 to 45 referrals . For joining this site everyone need invitation no one can join it directly , You can join this site from this link . Register here

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Blogger Unknown said...

Hey buddy,

I found this great site through which you can send free SMS. Earn from SMS ads / e-mail ads & earn from every user you add to your network. Plus you get other benefits as well. And its free too. I think you should definitely check it out and do register.

Here is the link :

Your friend,
- Pooja

August 26, 2007 at 2:38 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Hey buddy,

I found this great site through which you can send free SMS. Earn from SMS ads / e-mail ads & earn from every user you add to your network. Plus you get other benefits as well. And its free too. I think you should definitely check it out and do register.

Here is the link :

Your friend,
- Pooja

August 26, 2007 at 2:39 PM


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